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Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture

Botswana National Service Programme (Tirelo Sechaba)


The National Service Programme (Tirelo Sechaba) is responsible for creation of opportunities for unemployed young people to be able to gain skills and experience across various industries and business sectors. These opportunities not only benefit the youth but also contribute to the economic development of their communities. Selected applicants will be placed as volunteers in different Government Departments, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s), public and parastatal sector institutions for a maximum period of ten (10) years.


  • Graduates express intention to enrol through an Application Form 
  • Government departments, Parastatals, NGOs and Community Based Organisations (CBOs) express intention to enrol graduates through a Request Form
  • Graduate participants can transfer once after three (3) months by filling a Transfer Form
  • Graduate participants are eligible for monthly allowance by submitting a Confirmation Form
  • Graduate participants can choose to exit the programme before end of two years for various reasons by filling an Exit Form
  • Graduate participants can opt for reinstatement by filling a Reinstatement Form
  • Graduate participants' performance is monitored through a Workplan Form 
Who is eligible?
  • Unemployed and out of school citizens 
  • Age ranging between 20-30 years without tertiary education qualifications
How do I get this service?
What supporting documents are required?
  • A certified copy of National Identity Card (Omang)
  • A certified copy of academic qualifications
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • References (Professional or Academic)
How long will this service take?

Thirty (30) working days depending on availability.

Where can I obtain this service?

MYSC Headquarters and District offices.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana (mandatory), Botswana Youth program, Unemployed Youth, National Youth Program.


Botswana National Service Program (Tirelo Sechaba),  Youth Service Program, Tirelo Sechaba, National Service.


Youth Service Program, Tirelo Sechaba, National Service, Community Service

Ministry submitting this Service

ISBN/ISSN – Registration


This service is intended for Authors, Self-Publishers, Editors and Publishers in general. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identification number of a book, while the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication. These numbers are issued to publishers and individual authors so that their authored work can be easily identified for consumption in the international market.

Who is eligible?

Any individual or publishing entity intending to publish their work in Botswana. 

How do I get this service?

Application for ISBN:

  1. Visit the National Reference Library (NRL) or local public libraries to fill and submit ISBN Application Form with supporting documents.
  2. Sign acceptance of terms of use 
  3. Deposit two book copies with the NRL

Application for ISSN:

  1.  Visit the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture Development to apply for the ISSN at;





TEL: +267 3901186

FAX: +267 3901149


EMAIL (FOR ISBN REQUESTS/ENQUIRIES): botsin [at] (botsin[at]gov[dot]bw)


What supporting documents are required?
  • National identity card (Omang) for citizens
  • Certified copy of the Bio-page of passport for non-citizens
  • ISBN Application: a copy of book cover, title, introduction pages for book and the brief abstract/summary of the book. For a novel, only the cover and title pages are submitted
  • ISSN Application: a copy of the cover page showing the frequency of the serial and the editorial page
How long will this service take?
  • ISBN -  Issued immediately
  • ISSN – Ten (10) days
Where can I obtain this service?

ISBN - BNLS Public Libraries and National Reference Library

ISSN - International Standard Serial Number website

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana (mandatory)


ISBN/ISSN Registration


ISBN/ISSN, getting published in Botswana,

Ministry submitting this Service

Youth Development Fund


Youth Development Fund (YDF) is a socio-economic programme for start-ups and expanding businesses. YDF was introduced in the financial year 2009/10 as an economic empowerment programme meant to assist aspiring youth to venture into various economic enterprises funded at 50% loan & 50% grant. MYSC works in collaboration with other stakeholders such as Local Enterprise Authority to build the spirit of entrepreneurship and other government ministries and parastatals who offer technical support. YDF aims to achieve the following:

  • Promote active participation of youth in the socio-economic development of the country
  • Encourage the out of school, marginalized, unemployed and underemployed youth to venture into sustainable and viable income generating projects
  • Promote the development of competitive, sustainable and growth-oriented citizen owned youth enterprises
  • Reduce rural-urban migration by making it attractive to start growth-oriented enterprises in rural areas.
  • Create sustainable employment opportunities for young people through the development of sustainable projects.
Who is eligible?
  • Botswana citizens aged 18-35 years
  • Out-of-school youth
  • Unemployed youth
  • Underemployed youth earning less than P2 500/month
  • Youth cooperatives comprising of 5-10 members
  • Existing  youth businesses: self-funded and funded through other government schemes such as LIMID, Poverty Eradication, Out of school youth grant whose businesses have operated for 6 months and above
How do I get this service?
What supporting documents are required?
  • A cash-flow forecast statement covering all revenue and expenditure for a period of 12 months
  • Two (2) sets of quotations covering all items included in the proposed budget
  • A copy of valid license of operation (where applicable)
  • Certified copies of valid national identity document (Omang) for all business partners
  • A letter of intent to lease or lease agreement in cases of operating businesses or proof of
    ownership thereof
  • Curriculum Vitae of all members/partners
  • Certified copies of vocational and or academic certificates or traceable references
    (where applicable)
  • Copy of partnership deed, or cooperative constitution, or memorandum and articles of
    association (where applicable)
  • Company resolutions for loan application
  • Succession plan
  • Certificates of business registration and shareholder's certificate should show full details (i.e.
    names and ages) of members. (Form 2 & 5 listing Company Directors)
  • Certi­fied copies of parents/guardians/spouse’s national identity card (Omang)
  • Proof of market (letters of intent to buy from potential customers, market research report)
  • The expert consultation form should be part of the YDF form as a guide to youth to consult with the relevant experts that are in line with their proposed projects (where applicable)
  • For married applicants (in community of property) there should be written consent from the
  • ITC clearance report upon approval and this should be provided by the applicant
  • Applicants to provide documents confirming suitability of the proposed project site
How long will this service take?

The turn around time for processing applications is Forty-five (45) working days.

Where can I obtain this service?

Nearest MYSC District  Office.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana (mandatory)


Youth Development Fund, Youth funding, youth development fund guidelines, youth empowerment, youth grant, socio-economic development, unemployed youth,  underemployed youth, youth enterprises, youth industry

Ministry submitting this Service

Constituency Art Competition


The Constituency Art Competition is a biannual program administered by the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport & Culture Development together with various Arts Associations in Botswana. The aim of this programme is to promote growth and support for the arts as a means to preserve culture and heritage. The competitions are held twice a year between August and March, during the third and fourth quarter of the financial year. The competitions place an emphasis on the Performing Arts (theatre, poetry, various traditional dances and instruments). The Constituency Arts Competitions commenced in 2010 and aim to nurture talent and provide leisure and recreation for young people. The objectives of the programme are to unearth talent, particularly amongst the youth; keep youth meaningfully engaged so as to avoid substance abuse; promote artistic talent as well as provide leisure activities for youth. The Competition runs in two cycles at ward level and constituency level. The prize money ranges between P1000.00 and P3000.00 at ward level, whereas at constituency level, prize money ranges between P2000.00 and P5000.00.

Who is eligible?

Citizens of Botswana.

How do I get this service?

Registration is undertaken at MYSC District Offices.

What supporting documents are required?

Certified copy of valid national identification card (Omang).

How long will this service take?

Two (2) months.

Where can I obtain this service?

All MYSC District Offices.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Botswana National Art Competition, Art competition, National art, competitions


Botswana Art Competition, Botswana District Art Competition, Art, Dance, Culture

Ministry submitting this Service

President's Day Competitions


The President’s Day Competitions is an annual programme administered by the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture Development (MYSC) together with different Arts Associations. The Competitions are in support of the Visual Arts (fashion, pottery, painting, graphic design, photography and sculpting) and Performing Arts (theatre, poetry, comedy, different traditional dances and contemporary music). It has become a pinnacle of heritage month and a platform for showcasing the cultural diversity that this country prides itself in. Not only does the nation celebrate its heritage, but also gives artists an opportunity to be rewarded for their talent and contributing to the enhancement of Botswana's cultural diversity. The Competitions are aimed at:  

•   Intensifying the spirit of nationhood (Unity) through celebration of Botswana Arts and Culture
•   Helping artists realise their full potential in contributing towards the economy and economic diversification

Implementation process:

  • The Ministry issues out a registration notice in February of each year
  • Regional competitions commence in April
  • National Finals held in Gaborone every July and Awards Ceremony held thereafter
Who is eligible?
  • Botswana citizens aged 18 and above
  • Individual artists
  • Registered and unregistered groups
How do I get this service?
  • Registration commences from the 1st February to the last day of the same month annually.
  • Download the form, complete and submit the registration form at the MYSC office in the region you wish to compete.
What supporting documents are required?
  • List of participants
  • Registration certificate (if registered)
  • Certified ID copies of participants
How long will this service take?

Four (4) months

Where can I obtain this service?

MYSC Head office and District Offices 

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Presidents Day Competitions, competitions, Visual arts, Performing Arts, Arts Associations,


National Art Competitions

Ministry submitting this Service

Arts and Culture Grant


The arts and culture grant offers financial assistance towards the development of the Arts and Culture sector. The aim of the grant is to empower artists, cultural practitioners and organisations to contribute towards economic diversification through the establishment of the creative industries. The limit for small grants is P50 000 while for large grants is P250 000.

Key areas include;

  • Capacity building workshops, seminars and training.
  • Entertainment covers shows, performances, music, comedy, poetry, theatre, drama and edutainment.
  • Literary works cover activities around content creation, presentation and promotion of literary works, book production, translation/adaptations, discussions based on written works, writers/readers competitions
  • Hosting and curating exhibitions
  • Hosting fashion shows
  • Public arts which includes production of sculptures and murals in public places
Who is eligible?

Botswana citizens  

  • Artists
  • Cultural practitioners
  • Cultural organisations
  • Registered organisations which comply with appropriate registration authority
  • Unregistered Community groups/Committees must have Village Development Committee support
How do I get this service?
  • Download, complete and submit the required MYSC Grants Form to the MYSC District Office.
  • Access forms from the MYSC District Offices.
What supporting documents are required?
  • Quotations for services/ equipment
  • A certified copy of National Identity Card (Omang)
  • Valid Registration Certificate
  • Proof of compliance in submission of Tax Returns
  • VAT Clearance/ Exemption Certificate as applicable
How long will this service take?

The application process takes two (2) months.

Where can I obtain this service?

MYSC Headquarters and District offices.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana (mandatory),


Arts and Culture Grant, National Arts and Culture Grant, Grant

Ministry submitting this Service
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