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Competition & Sports

Constituency Art Competition


The Constituency Art Competition is a biannual program administered by the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport & Culture Development together with various Arts Associations in Botswana. The aim of this programme is to promote growth and support for the arts as a means to preserve culture and heritage. The competitions are held twice a year between August and March, during the third and fourth quarter of the financial year. The competitions place an emphasis on the Performing Arts (theatre, poetry, various traditional dances and instruments). The Constituency Arts Competitions commenced in 2010 and aim to nurture talent and provide leisure and recreation for young people. The objectives of the programme are to unearth talent, particularly amongst the youth; keep youth meaningfully engaged so as to avoid substance abuse; promote artistic talent as well as provide leisure activities for youth. The Competition runs in two cycles at ward level and constituency level. The prize money ranges between P1000.00 and P3000.00 at ward level, whereas at constituency level, prize money ranges between P2000.00 and P5000.00.

Who is eligible?

Citizens of Botswana.

How do I get this service?

Registration is undertaken at MYSC District Offices.

What supporting documents are required?

Certified copy of valid national identification card (Omang).

How long will this service take?

Two (2) months.

Where can I obtain this service?

All MYSC District Offices.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Botswana National Art Competition, Art competition, National art, competitions


Botswana Art Competition, Botswana District Art Competition, Art, Dance, Culture

Ministry submitting this Service

President's Day Competitions


The President’s Day Competitions is an annual programme administered by the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture Development (MYSC) together with different Arts Associations. The Competitions are in support of the Visual Arts (fashion, pottery, painting, graphic design, photography and sculpting) and Performing Arts (theatre, poetry, comedy, different traditional dances and contemporary music). It has become a pinnacle of heritage month and a platform for showcasing the cultural diversity that this country prides itself in. Not only does the nation celebrate its heritage, but also gives artists an opportunity to be rewarded for their talent and contributing to the enhancement of Botswana's cultural diversity. The Competitions are aimed at:  

•   Intensifying the spirit of nationhood (Unity) through celebration of Botswana Arts and Culture
•   Helping artists realise their full potential in contributing towards the economy and economic diversification

Implementation process:

  • The Ministry issues out a registration notice in February of each year
  • Regional competitions commence in April
  • National Finals held in Gaborone every July and Awards Ceremony held thereafter
Who is eligible?
  • Botswana citizens aged 18 and above
  • Individual artists
  • Registered and unregistered groups
How do I get this service?
  • Registration commences from the 1st February to the last day of the same month annually.
  • Download the form, complete and submit the registration form at the MYSC office in the region you wish to compete.
What supporting documents are required?
  • List of participants
  • Registration certificate (if registered)
  • Certified ID copies of participants
How long will this service take?

Four (4) months

Where can I obtain this service?

MYSC Head office and District Offices 

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Presidents Day Competitions, competitions, Visual arts, Performing Arts, Arts Associations,


National Art Competitions

Ministry submitting this Service

National Appeals Board


This board supports athletes who have grievances that need to be addressed. It follows procedures of addressing grievances when a member of Botswana National Sport Council has been aggrieved by decisions of the Council as per Botswana National Sport Council Act CA 60:01. The grievances that (National Appeals Board) NAB addresses emanates from rulings made by Disciplinary Committees of the various National Sport Associations.

The National Appeals Board is an independent board and is composed of four persons whom the Minister of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture Development has identified to be capable of adjudicating sport appeals. National Appeals Board is housed in the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport & Culture Development. The National Appeals Board acts as the higher tribunal court for Sport issues in Botswana and primarily reviews or hears the appeals before them in a fair manner in line with the existing sport codes and association legislations.

Implementation process:

  • Appellant shall also serve all concerned parties with the same documents of the appeal.
  • Once the appeal has been scheduled all concerned parties are notified in writing.
  • The appellant and respondent are allowed to be represented by two representatives.
  • Where the appeal is not complex the NAB Chairperson will announce the ruling at conclusion of presentation by all parties involved.
  • A written judgment will be then delivered at a date to be communicated to concerned parties.
Who is eligible?

All athletes.

How do I get this service?
  • All appeals shall be made in writing and submitted to the Secretary of the National Appeals Board housed in the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport & Culture Development.
  • All appeals should be submitted within seven (7) working days after receipt of the Disciplinary Committee ruling.
  • Appeals should be accompanied by a fee of BWP 50.00
What supporting documents are required?

Only appellant letter.

How long will this service take?

Seven (7) days.

Where can I obtain this service?

Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture Development Headquarters.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

BWP 50.00

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


National Appeals Board, National Appeals Board Botswana, Appeals, grievances, Disciplinary, sports council


Atheletes appeal board, Sports appeal board

Ministry submitting this Service

Constituency Sport Tournament


The Constituency Sport Tournament is a mass participation sport leisure program introduced to curb social ills amongst the unemployed out of school youth to promote social engagement, fitness and  their well-being. It also creates opportunities for talent identification and development in four (4) sporting codes being football, netball, volleyball and athletics.

There is provision to accommodate a few employed people under the age of 40 years per team in various sport codes (i.e. five (5) in football, three (3) in both netball and volleyball. Those who register in the programme shall be individuals of teams not affiliated to National Sport Associations.

Who is eligible?
  • Unemployed youth aged 18-35 years
  • Non students
  • Batswana Citizens involved in Ipelegeng, Tirelo Sechaba, Graduate Volunteer Scheme, Internship Programme, Herd Boys, Farm and House Assistants
  • BNSC affiliates are not eligible
How do I get this service?

Download the registration form appropriate for your sport code, fill and submit at any MYSC Office.

What supporting documents are required?
  • Valid National registration card (Omang)
  • Surety forms from relevant authorities
How long will this service take?

One month of registration and two months of competition.

Where can I obtain this service?

Registration forms available at all MYSC District Offices.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost


Constituency Sport Tournaments, competitions, sports, constituency, athletics, volleyball, netball, talent identification, football, prize money, 


National Sports Competitions, Sports Competition

Ministry submitting this Service
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