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Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture

Constituency Sport Tournament


The Constituency Sport Tournament is a mass participation sport leisure program introduced to curb social ills amongst the unemployed out of school youth to promote social engagement, fitness and  their well-being. It also creates opportunities for talent identification and development in four (4) sporting codes being football, netball, volleyball and athletics.

There is provision to accommodate a few employed people under the age of 40 years per team in various sport codes (i.e. five (5) in football, three (3) in both netball and volleyball. Those who register in the programme shall be individuals of teams not affiliated to National Sport Associations.

Who is eligible?
  • Unemployed youth aged 18-35 years
  • Non students
  • Batswana Citizens involved in Ipelegeng, Tirelo Sechaba, Graduate Volunteer Scheme, Internship Programme, Herd Boys, Farm and House Assistants
  • BNSC affiliates are not eligible
How do I get this service?

Download the registration form appropriate for your sport code, fill and submit at any MYSC Office.

What supporting documents are required?
  • Valid National registration card (Omang)
  • Surety forms from relevant authorities
How long will this service take?

One month of registration and two months of competition.

Where can I obtain this service?

Registration forms available at all MYSC District Offices.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost


Constituency Sport Tournaments, competitions, sports, constituency, athletics, volleyball, netball, talent identification, football, prize money, 


National Sports Competitions, Sports Competition

Ministry submitting this Service
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