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Administration of Justice

Provision of Legal Assistance


Legal assistance is provided to litigants with limited financial means who are involved in civil and criminal cases.

In Civil cases, any party who desires to sue and defend as a poor litigant may apply in writing for leave to sue or defend as a poor litigant, as per Order 5 of the Magistrate Court rules and Order 46 of the High Court rules.

In criminal trials/ appeals, pro-deo lawyers (lawyers whose fees are paid directly by the government) can be assigned to defendants of limited financial means.  

Who is eligible?
  • Any individual who is instigating or defending themselves against a civil case may apply for legal assistance from the courts.
  • These individuals must be unable to afford professional legal assistance.
  • For criminal cases, accused persons charged with murder, manslaughter, attempted murder or treason are entitled to pro-deo representation.
  • The decision is made by the Registrar of the High Court/ Magistrate.
How do I get this service?
  • They must submit a letter/application, in writing, to the Registrar/ Magistrate of the court outlining that: they are requesting permission to sue or defend as an individual of limited financial means. Also explaining that they lack the financial means to afford their own legal assistance.
  • The Registrar/Magistrate, on receipt of the letter/application, will make inquiries as to the means of the applicant in order to assess the legitimacy of the claim. The Registrar/ Magistrate may require the applicant to provide a verbal oath or a written affidavit for the lack of financial ability.
  • Once the Registrar/ Magistrate approves the written application, the case is referred to a legal practitioner who makes the assessment of whether the applicant has a reasonable chance of success in their case before deciding whether take the case. The applicant will be informed through written correspondence of the outcome of his or her application.
  • The Registrar/ Magistrate will grant the applicant leave to sue or defend without payment of court fees. The applicant will be given a document signed by the Registrar/Magistrate stating that he is given leave to sue or defend without payment of court fees. The applicant will then attach a copy of the said document whenever filling documents at the Registry.
What supporting documents are required?

To submit the letter/ order granting permission to sue or defend as pauper.

How long will this service take?
  • Approximately one business day.
  • Once the applicant submits his\her application the Registrar's secretary/ Clerk then makes an appointment for a given date. On the appointed date the Registrar/ Magistrate will enquire into the means of the applicant and for that purpose may require the applicant to give evidence on oath, either in person or by affidavit. The Registrars/ Magistrate ruling will be delivered on the same day.
  • The decision of the Registrar/ Magistrate shall be final as to whether the applicant has sufficient means to finance his action or not.
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How much does it cost?

No cost

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, judiciary


pro-deo lawyers, legal assistance, free lawyers, free representation.

Ministry submitting this Service

Division of Property


The traditional or customary courts execute division of property, inclusive of matrimonial property. 

In the case of marriages, this happens once the divorce has been finalised or the marriage has been dissolved (decree nisi). In the case of non-customary marriages, its involvement would be based on referral from the High Court. 

Please note that the division of property could be amongst any property owners, not just married ones.

Who is eligible?

Any Botswana citizen can access this service.

How do I get this service?

Anyone interested in accessing this service must follow the steps outlined below:

  • Take the complaint or court order, where applicable, to the clerk of appointed customary court with the supporting documents. 
  • In the absence of a court order, the complaint must be as specific as possible, orally done, giving full details of the defendants including names, addresses, and phone numbers.
  • Clerk sets date and issues summons for appearance by all parties. Appearance could be at the court or other appointed venue.
  • At the appointed date and time, the property would be divided and a ruling would be handed down. The Service Document would be returned to the higher court (High Court or Customary Court of Appeal).
What supporting documents are required?

Applicants must submit:

  • An order of the High Court (not needed for persons in customary marriages).
  • Valid National Identification (Omang).
  • List of property (in the case of marriages, each party must have list. In all other cases, just the aggrieved party needs a property list).
How long will this service take?

This varies by case, and in the case of high court referrals, is dependent on the High Court order.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, judiciary


Property division, assets division, assets separation, marriage, divorce, customary marriage,

Ministry submitting this Service

Default Judgements


In a civil case, a plaintiff may apply for a default judgment where the defendant has not filed an appearance. Judgement may be entered against such party.

Who is eligible?
  • Plaintiff in case or other non-criminal disputes involving damages of more than BWP60 000.00 at the Magistrate court 
  • Any individual or organisation involved as a plaintiff in a High Court case is eligible to apply for a default judgement following the failure to appear by the defendant in a civil case.
How do I get this service?

  • Once the defendant has failed to appear at the set court date or enter a defence within the allotted time, an applicant can request a default judgement by filing one of the application for judgment in default most relevant to the situation involved (as outlined below). 
  • The application form is to be submitted to the Registrar of the High Court/ Magistrate

What supporting documents are required?

The applicant should file one of the following forms depending on the situation:

  • Applicant is requesting award in monetary terms for specified amount or an amount easily ascertainable with interest. Application for Judgment in Default -Demand Liquidated.
  • Applicant is requesting award for damages in an amount to be determined by the court. Application for Judgment in Default - Demand unliquidated.
  • Applicant is requesting a return of goods in possession to the plaintiff or monetary equivalent .​ Judgment in Default - Detention of Goods ​.
  • Applicant seeks to recover possession only of land currently held by the defendant.  No monetary awards for damages. Interlocutory Judgment in Default – Lands, Damages and Costs (Form 33).
  • Applicant seeks to recover possession only of land currently held by the defendant.  No monetary awards for damages. ​Judgment in Default – Recovery of Land Only (Form 34).
  • Applicant is requesting an award in cash for damages as in the initial case filing for damages with interest.  This is for situations where the defendant has failed to appear at every court date. Request for Default Judgment.

How long will this service take?

Three months

Where can I obtain this service?


Court of Appeal

Private Bag 00316



Tel: (+267) 371 8000

Gaborone High Court

P O Box 00220



Tel: (+267) 3718000

Fax: (+267) 3915119 

Francistown High Court

Private Bag F13



Tel: +267 241 2125

Fax. (+267) 2416378

Lobatse High Court

Private Bag 001



Tel: +267 5338000

Fax: (+267) 5332317

Regional  Magistrate Court-North

Private Bag F149



Tel: (+267) 2410624

Regional  Magistrate Court- South

Private Bag BR293



Tel: (+267) 3956339

Gaborone -  Village 
Private Bag  X10
Tel. (+267) 3956381

Extension II
Private Bag X10
Tel. (+267) 3956381

Private Bag 16
Tel. (+267) 5330540

Private Bag 17
Tel. (+267) 5440276/ 78

Private Bag 10
Tel. (+267) 5880628

Private Bag 029
Tel. (+267) 5777601

Private Bag 0022
Tel. (+267) 5920402

Private Bag 359
Tel. (+267) 6540277

P. O. Box 206
Tel. (+267) 6596352 

Private Bag 0271
Tel. (+267) 6860370

Private Bag F19
Tel. (+267) 2413793
Private Bag 11
Tel. (+267) 2489277

Private Bag 32
Tel. (+267) 2976666

Selibe Phikwe
Private Bag 003
Selibe Phikwe
Tel. (+267) 2610321

Private Bag 14
Tel. (+267) 4630386

Private Bag 15
Tel. (+267) 4920401

P. O. Box 22
Tel. (+267) 4710326 

Private Bag K5
Tel. (+267) 6250337 

Private Bag 10
Tel. (+267) 6510148

Private Bag 003
Selibe Phikwe
Tel. (+267) 2629790

P. O. Box 35
Tel. (+267) 6874511
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How much does it cost?

 A processing fee of BWP120.00.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, judiciary


Default judgement

Ministry submitting this Service

Adjudication of Matrimonial Cases

  • Include divorce, judicial separations, or the nullification of a marriage.
  • All matrimonial proceedings must be heard at the high court.  
  • A divorce can be jointly claimed and the parties can negotiate the ancillary considerations of the divorce action (i.e. custody of minor children, maintenance and division of the matrimonial estate.  
  • The court will hear the case irrespective of the manner in which parties contracted their marriage (i.e. customary, religious or common law marriages).  
  • Upon divorce, nullity, or separation the court has wide ranging powers to, among other things, order the transfer of the matrimonial home and property from one party to the other or alter either party's rights in the separation, in particular to provide for dependent children.
  • The court being the upper guardian of the minor child. In the event of custody of the minor child; the court has to be satisfied that a party is of good repute and is a fit and proper person to be entrusted with the custody of the child and possess adequate means to maintain and educate the child.
Who is eligible?
  • Either  party to a marriage may bring an action before the High Court for divorce, judicial separation, or a request for a marriage to be declared null and void.
  • Under the law, the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage constitutes grounds for divorce.
  • The marriage having existed for two (2) years 

Restrictions on filing a divorce, nullity or separation are the following:

  • Per subsection two of the Matrimonial Causes Act, no action for divorce can be taken during the period of two years following the date of registration of the marriage ("the specified period").
  • An application for divorce during the specified period may be considered if it is a situation of exceptional hardship suffered by the plaintiff or depravity on the part of the respondent. In determining if such an application is considered, the court will take into account the well-being of dependent children where reasonable probability exists of a reconciliation between the spouses.
  • An application for divorce after the specified period may be brought based on matters which occurred during the specified period.
How do I get this service?

In order to institute divorce proceedings  an applicant should file writ of summons, in Summons-Form 2 in the first schedule with such variations as circumstances require – (High Court Rules).

  • The Plaintiff, or the Plaintiff's attorney or agent shall bring the original originating process documents and four copies to the Civil Registry in Gaborone, Francistown or Lobatse for date stamp, signing and filing.
  • The Civil Registry will register the summons and retain two copies. 
  • One copy is to be served to the respondent. 
  • One copy is retained by the applicant.
  • It is the responsibility of the filing party (applicant) to furnish the respondent with the originating process.
  • Service upon a person of a  summons, may be made by any adult person who has no interest in the cause and is able to explain its nature and contents
  • Except in the case of arrest; writs of summons, shall not be served on a Sunday or between 1900 hrs and 0700 hrs of any other day, and no such service shall be valid if made.
  • The registered case is then assigned to a judge who will preside over it until completion.
  • Following due process as instructed by the judge, a decree -nisi (tentative order granting divorce)  is granted. An applicant/respondent can then apply for a decree absolute (final divorce order) six (6) weeks following the order.
  • A rule nisi is a court order that does not have any force until such time that a particular condition is met, in the case of divorce it is six (6) weeks. Once the condition is met, the ruling becomes decree absolute and is binding.
  • Once the rule nisi is granted, the litigants have to wait six (6) before applying for the decree absolute
  • The application for decree absolute can be made in the form of a letter addressed to the Registrar stating the case particulars and when the rule nisi was granted and whether six (6) weeks has passed since the order was granted
What supporting documents are required?

Applicants will need to submit:

  • 4 Copies of an Originating process, specifically claiming divorce and ancillaries.
  • The original marriage certificate or a certified copy
How long will this service take?
  • Applicants can apply for a decree absolute six (6) weeks following the granting of a rule nisi. 
  • The duration of the case is dependent on whether the other party is opposing the divorce; in that case, the matter will go to trial and as thus will be dependent on the availability of trial dates on the judge's schedule.
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How much does it cost?
  • A cost of BWP 120.00 applies to the stamp for all four (4) summonses.
  • The cost of having the deputy Sheriff's office serve the summons will be BWP 30.00
Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, judiciary


Divorce, separation,  nullification, decree absolute, summons, deserted spouses, marriage, nisi, spouse, nullify

Ministry submitting this Service

Adjudication of Civil Cases


Civil cases include;

  • Disputes between individuals
  • Dispute between companies.
  • Dispute between company and individuals
  • The High Court has unlimited Jurisdiction
  • The Magistrate Court has a limited jurisdiction of  BWP 60, 000.00  
Who is eligible?

High Court (Claim exceeding BWP 60 000. 00)

  • Individuals
  • Businesses
  • Other organizations 

Magistrate Court ( Claim not exceeding BWP 60 000. 00)

  • Individuals
  • Businesses
  • Other organizations 
How do I get this service?
  • Commenced by a writ of summons, petition or notice of motion (collectively referred to as "originating process") signed by the Registrar / Clerk of court and date-stamped with the stamp of the Court.
    1. A writ of Summons shall be in Writ of Summons (Form 2 for High Court or Form 7 for Magistrate) in the first schedule with such variations as circumstances require High Court rules/ Magistrate Court Act.
    2. The Notice of Motion shall be in Notice of Motion (Form 4 for High Court or Form 3 for Magistrate) in the first schedule with such variations as circumstances require, and shall state the rule under which the application is brought.
  • The Plaintiff, or the Plaintiff's attorney or agent shall bring the original, originating process documents and three(3) copies (or if there is more than one defendant, an extra copy for each additional defendant) to the Civil Registry at the High Court/ Magistrate court for date stamp, signing and filing.
  • Serve the defendant(s) with copies of the originating process documents that have been signed and date stamped by the Registrar/ Clerk of Court and file proof of service at the Civil Registry.
  • Service upon a person of a petition, notice, summons, order, pleading or other document of which service is required, may be made by any adult person who has no interest in the cause and is able to explain its nature and contents.
  • Except in the case of arrest; writs of summons, petitions, notices, summonses, orders, pleadings and other documents shall not be served on a Sunday or between 19:00. and 07:00 of any other day, and no such service shall be valid if made.
What supporting documents are required?
  • Preparation of a Writ of Summons (Form 2 or Form 7) and annexations of documents supporting your claim.
  • Preparation of a Petition or Notice of Motion (Form 4 or Form 3).

Parties to a case are required to submit:

  • A writ of Summons shall be in Form 2 (High Court) or Form 7 (Magistrate) in the first schedule with such variations as circumstances require.
  • The Notice of Motion shall be in Form 4 or Form 3 in the first schedule with such variations as circumstances require, and shall state the rule under which the application is brought.  The applicant shall;
    1. Set forth the order sought;
    2. File an Affidavit of Service in support of the application(upon any motion, petition or other application, evidence shall be given by affidavit);
    3. File a draft of the order which he seeks
    4. Attach any substantiating documents if any

As per Order 6(12) of the High Court rules, the time within which a defendant shall be required to enter appearance to defend shall be reckoned as follows:

  • An individual defendant where the defendant's dwelling house or other place of residence or place of business or employment is within the jurisdiction of any other originating process at the High Court Registry (either Gaborone, Lobatse or Francistown).
  • company or corporation, its registered office or principal place of business within the jurisdiction is within a radius of 100 kilometers from the High Court Registry (either Gaborone, Lobatse or Francistown),
  • The time limited for the defendant to enter an appearance shall be 14 Court days (Monday to Friday, except public holidays) after the service of the writ of summons or other processes (including the day of service) to the defendant.
  • In an action against the government the an appearance to defend may be entered at any time within 21 days after service of the summons, unless otherwise specified.
  • Generally, proceedings against a defendant are not deemed to have begun until they have been served with a writ of summons.
How long will this service take?
  • Processing the documents constituting the originating process takes approximately two (2) court days. 
  • For individuals not represented by attorneys, they are processed while waiting and it can take less than one(1) court day. 
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How much does it cost?

High Court fees

  • Writ of Summons, originating motion, petition or provisional sentence is BWP120 (Self Actor) and estimated amount of BWP220 for Civil Application
  • Writ of summons  BWP150 (Represented party) and P20 for Resolution if its company and estimated amount of BWP270 for Civil Application
  • NB: The cost of civil case is dependent upon the rate of exchange of pleadings.

Magistrate Court Fees

  • Writ of Summons, originating motion, petition or application and other originating document whereby an action is instituted is P60 

Payment is accepted by: 

  • Postage stamps issued by any Botswana Post office equating the value of the document in question as per the Second Schedule of the rules of the court or,
  • In cash paid to the Revenue office.
Ministry submitting this Service

Trial of Civil and Criminal Cases at the Tribal Court (Kgotla)


All civil and criminal cases that fall within the tribal court’s warrant jurisdiction may be tried at the customary court or Kgotla, as may be agreed to by the accused or defendant.  

A list of offences that the tribal court (kgotla) addresses can be accessed at any Kgotla office.

Who is eligible?

Any person or business legally present and operating in Botswana is eligible for this service. 

How do I get this service?

The steps involved in this process are as follows:

  •  ​​Civil matters must be reported to the Kgotla directly.  
  • The complaints will be registered and a date will be set for the hearing of their cases where both the plaintiff and the defendant should be present before the Kgosi for the matter to be solved. 
  • Criminal matters must be reported directly to the Botswana Police. Where they would then determine whether the case should be tried at the customary court or magistrate court and advised accordingly. 
What supporting documents are required?
  • A valid National Identity Card (Omang or passport).
  • Residence Permit (expatriates).
  • Business registration documents (businesses).
  • Tax clearance certificate (if payment must be received).
How long will this service take?

This varies dependent upon the case being tried.

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How much does it cost?

This service is free of charge.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, judiciary


Kgotla cases, civil cases, criminal cases, civil matters, kgotla, tribal court

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