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Administration of Justice

Assessment of Security Costs


Pending the outcome of the case by another litigant, the Registrar of the High Court  and the Court of Appeal may assess the amount of the security to be held by the Court. 

Security assessed is held to secure potential costs of the party claiming entitlement to costs pending the outcome of the case.

Who is eligible?

Any party entitled and desiring to demand security in case at the High court/ Court of Appeal can apply for an assessment of security.

How do I get this service?
  • Following the commencement of proceedings in a case at the high court, a party interested in obtaining security must submit a written notice to the Registrar of the High Court/Court of Appeal location at which the case is to be heard outlining the reasons for requesting security and the amount requested. 
  • The Registrar will then assess the validity of the claim for security and the amount and provide directive on the manner of payment.
  • If the amount being requested is contested by the other party, the Registrar shall make the final decision on the amount to be given.
  • If the other party disagrees with the need to provide security or does not pay the amount ordered within ten(10) days of the Registrar’s decision, the party demanding security may request that the judge  halt the proceedings until the amounts are paid.
  • If payments are still not made, the judge may strike out any pleadings made by the party refusing to pay or take other actions as necessary.
What supporting documents are required?
  • Submit a written notice to the Registrar of the high court (if pending appearance before a judge) or to a Judge of the high court/ Court of Appeal  
  • The notice must outline the reasons for requesting security and the amount requested. 
How long will this service take?

One(1) to three (3) months depending on court dates available.

Where can I obtain this service?


Court of Appeal

Private Bag 00316



Tel: (+267) 371 8000

Gaborone High Court

P O Box 00220



Tel: (+267) 3718000

Fax: (+267) 3915119 

Francistown High Court

Private Bag F13



Tel: +267 241 2125

Fax. (+267) 2416378

Lobatse High Court

Private Bag 001



Tel: +267 5338000

Fax: (+267) 5332317

Regional  Magistrate Court-North

Private Bag F149



Tel: (+267) 2410624

Regional  Magistrate Court- South

Private Bag BR293



Tel: (+267) 3956339

Gaborone -  Village 
Private Bag  X10
Tel. (+267) 3956381

Extension II
Private Bag X10
Tel. (+267) 3956381

Private Bag 16
Tel. (+267) 5330540

Private Bag 17
Tel. (+267) 5440276/ 78

Private Bag 10
Tel. (+267) 5880628

Private Bag 029
Tel. (+267) 5777601

Private Bag 0022
Tel. (+267) 5920402

Private Bag 359
Tel. (+267) 6540277

P. O. Box 206
Tel. (+267) 6596352 

Private Bag 0271
Tel. (+267) 6860370

Private Bag F19
Tel. (+267) 2413793
Private Bag 11
Tel. (+267) 2489277

Private Bag 32
Tel. (+267) 2976666

Selibe Phikwe
Private Bag 003
Selibe Phikwe
Tel. (+267) 2610321

Private Bag 14
Tel. (+267) 4630386

Private Bag 15
Tel. (+267) 4920401

P. O. Box 22
Tel. (+267) 6250337 

Private Bag K5
Tel. (+267) 6250337 

Private Bag 10
Tel. (+267) 6510148

Private Bag 003
Selibe Phikwe
Tel. (+267) 2629790

P. O. Box 35
Tel. (+267) 6874511


Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

A court fee of BWP20.00 applies to submitting a written notice for an assessment of security costs.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, judgement, appeals



Security, security costs, entitlement

Ministry submitting this Service

Appealed Cases from the High Court and Industrial Court


The Court of Appeal's Jurisdiction is general and territorially defined. It also enjoys all power and authority vested in the High Court by the Constitution and any other law.

The Court of Appeal is a Supreme Court of record, with plenary review, appellate and, where appropriate first instance jurisdiction. It hears all appeals from the High Court and Industrial Court.  

Who is eligible?

Litigants from any final decisions in any proceedings in which the High Court/ Industrial Court sat at first instance.

How do I get this service?

An appeal to the Court of Appeal may take two forms, namely;

  • As of right-
  • By special leave
  • In order to lodge an appeal, a party  must serve  a notice of appeal  and file an  application for leave to appeal to the court of appeal with the court below (The high court or The  industrial court) within six weeks (Criminal Form 2).
  • When leave is refused by the High Court , you file an application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal (Criminal Form 3)
  • The Appellant should file a date stamped Notice of Appeal to the Court of Appeal.
  • A case is then registered and given a case number at the Court of Appeal.
  • If the six weeks has  elapsed before lodging an appeal, the appellant should file  an application with the Court of Appeal seeking leave  to file out of time(Criminal Form 5).
  • Only evidence used during the proceedings at court below can be used at the court of appeal. 
What supporting documents are required?

Appellants from the High Court and the Industrial Court must submit the following form to the Court of Appeal:

  • Schedule 3- Civil Form 1
How long will this service take?
  • Civil Appeal is 14 months
  • Criminal appeal is 10 months 
Theme for this service
How much does it cost?
  • Filing a Notice of Appeal at the High Court bears a cost of BWP160.00.  
  • If an appeal is submitted beyond the six week deadline, submission of Form 2 will cost an additional BWP100.00.
Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, judiciary


Court of appeal, appeals , notice of appeal

Ministry submitting this Service

Administration of Estates of Deceased Persons


Involves the orderly dissolution and distribution of an estate. 

Estates fall into two categories:

  • Those of deceased persons who did not have a will (intestate).
  • Those of deceased persons who had a will (testate).

The Master of the High Court has the power to administer estates reported to the office.  

The executor's duties include:

  • Controlling and safeguarding the deceased's assets.
  • Preparation and filing of a complete listing of the property of the deceased.
  • Advertise the debtors and creditors notices in the government gazette and any local newspaper circulating in the area where the deceased used to reside. The adverts must specify a 30 day time frame from the date of publication in order to allow those with claims against the estate to lodge claims with the executor who will then assess the claims.
  • Identify the heirs of the estate.
  • Prepare a listing of approved debtors and creditors and develop a plan for the payment of those debts from the assets of the estate.
  • Prepare the Liquidation and Distribution Plan (LDP) of how the deceased's assets will be distributed in accordance with the instructions of the will or intestate succession dividing the property amongst the intestate heirs of the deceased which will then be examined by the Master. 
  • Advertise a notice that the LDP has been filed and is available in the Master's Office for inspection.  Objections to the plan submitted within 21 days of the advertisement publication must be addressed.
    1. Responses by the Executor to objections to the plan must be filed within 14 days of receipt of the copy of the objection from the Master. 
    2. Where there are no objections, the executor must seek written approval from the Master to allocate property and pay debts according to the account.
  • File receipts, certificates, motor vehicle registration books, title deeds, affidavits and other documents confirming distribution of the assets to the lawful heirs and creditors and request permission to be released as executor by the Master.
Who is eligible?
  • Individuals and organizations related to or controlled by the deceased persons are affected by this process. 
  • Next of kin consist of close relatives (siblings, parents and children).
  • Organizations affected will include those owned by the deceased person at the time of death. 
How do I get this service?
  • The death of the person in question must be reported to the Masters office in the high court locations in either Gaborone or Francistown (addresses provided below) within 14 days of the death. 
  • Once the death is registered, the individual's will is to be executed by the appointed individual from the next of kin meeting (the executor) or as per the will and presided over by Masters Office in the High Court.  
  • The role of this executor is to work under the supervision of the Master of the high court to ensure that the terms of the deceased's will and the provisions of Administration of Estates Act [Cap 31:01] are complied with.
What supporting documents are required?

The documents necessary to report a death include:

  • A death certificate for the deceased person.
  • A filled Death Notice form.
  • A filled Provisional Inventory Form.
  • If the individual was married:
  • A marriage certificate must be provided.
  • A relevant married persons' property form (Form A or B identifying a couple's marriage or common law relationship).
  • Original copy of the person's will if applicable.
How long will this service take?

Six (6) months from the time of application.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?
  • A nominal charge of BWP20.00 applies.
  • Additional costs will include the price of advertising the estate's dissolution in a newspaper which circulates in the deceased person's area and in the Government Gazette.
Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, judiciary


Will, Assets, death certificate, next of kin

Ministry submitting this Service

Assessment of Damages


This court service determines the amount payable as compensation for value of goods or damages suffered by an Party in a case at the Magistrate Court and High Court.  Assessment is  usually done  for unliquidated damages or the value of goods. It is usually done by application which is accompanied by evidence justifying the damages or value. 

Who is eligible?
  • Any party who is part of the proceedings  before court may qualify for an assessment of damages. 
  • The party must have been awarded the right to damages, hence the court case.
How do I get this service?
  • Following the filing of a summons/application to the high court /Magistrate Court if judgement is entered in default of appearance by the defendant, the application is made ex parte. 
  • The application must provide sufficient details to allow for easy identification of the case.
  • Submit an affidavit supporting the truthfulness of the application for assessment of damages.
  • The Registrar/Clerk  set a date for matter to determine the assessment of damages.  Additional evidence may be requested in making this determination.
  • A hearing is undertaken to asse​ss damages on the date set by the Registrar/Clerk.
  • Following the ruling of the registrar/ Clerk, the plaintiff has fourteen (14) days to apply, in writing, for a reassessment of the damages by Judge/Magistrate.  If this is not done, the assessment becomes final.
What supporting documents are required?
  • Written application requesting a date for an assessment of damages.
  • An affidavit establishing, supporting and justifying the damages sought.
How long will this service take?
  • Judgement in default  of appearance within three (3) months
  •  After the conclusion of the hearing, Judgement is passed within six (6) months. 
  • The timing is dependent upon the dates set in consultation with the parties involved either by the the Registrar or Clerk.
Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

Court fees of BWP 30.00

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, justice


Court rolls, judgement, appeals, appealed cases, damages, assessment of damages, compensation, injury, compensation for injury

Ministry submitting this Service
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