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Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation

Request for Accreditation for new Foreign Head of Mission


Accreditation of new Heads of Diplomatic Missions, Honorary Consul and Heads of International Organisations accredited to the Republic of Botswana

Who is eligible?

Newly appointed / accredited Heads of Missions, Honorary Consuls and Heads of International Organisations to the Republic of Botswana

How do I get this service?

The process to accredit a new Ambassador / High Commissioner begins with the Mission or Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the sending State submitting to the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation (Office of the Chief of Protocol) a Note Verbale accompanied by curriculum vitae (CV) of the proposed candidate, requesting an Agrément.

What supporting documents are required?

Note Verbale from the sending State or international Organisation, accompanied by curriculum vitae (CV) of the proposed candidate, requesting an Agrément.

How long will this service take?


Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No costs

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, International affairs, Botswana Embassy, High Commission, Protocol and Consular Services, District Commissioner's, Protocol Officer


New head of missions, Agrément, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, diplomatic mission, diplomatic posting, Ambassador, High Commissioner, Consul General, sending State, sending Organisation, Diplomats, new posting, Embassy, High commission, international organisation, note verbale

Ministry submitting this Service

Arrival of New Ambassador / High Commissioner


A new Ambassador/High Commissioner will be met on his arrival in Gaborone by a representative of the Protocol department, provided that travel arrangements including the date and hour of arrival and port of entry have been notified to the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation in advance.

If the Ambassador/High Commissioner is traveling by road, the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation will facilitate his/her entry into the Republic of Botswana by informing the frontier authorities of his/her arrival, provided the date and hour of his/her passage through the border have been notified to the Ministry well in advance.

For the Non-resident Ambassador/High Commissioners, the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation shall provide transport at the time when the Ambassador/High Commissioner arrives to present credentials and during the farewell call on the Head of State. No transport is provided during routine visits.

Theme for this service
Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, immunities and privileges, diplomatic relations, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations


Diplomatic relations, accreditation of head of mission, diplomatic community, international relations, Vienna Convention, arrival, departure, Arrival, departure, presentation of credentials, port of entry, head of mission, diplomat

Ministry submitting this Service

Diplomatic Vehicle Registration Numbers


Members of the Diplomatic Corps are entitled to purchase/import motor vehicles other than trucks, tractors or other commercial types of vehicles without any charges for duty or VAT. These are then provided with diplomatic vehicle registration. All imported vehicles must be registered with the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation, and only a maximum of two vehicles are allowed per married couple and one for an unmarried Diplomat. Vehicles registered to the individual members of the Diplomatic Corps are to be retained in their possession in Botswana for a minimum period of 2 years in order to enjoy VAT exemption benefits. To dispose locally or export Diplomatic vehicles requires written permission from the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation.

Who is eligible?

Members of the diplomatic community.

How do I get this service?
What supporting documents are required?
  • Note Verbale requesting for facilitation to purchase, import, export or sell a vehicle.
  • Application for Registration of Diplomat-Motor Vehicle form.
  • Copy of BURS Certificate A - Diplomatic Importation, if the vehicle is imported.  
  • Copy of Vehicle Registration Book.
How long will this service take?

2 working days.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No charges.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, International affairs, Botswana Missions Protocol and Consular Services


Note Verbale, Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges, Diplomatic registration numbers, Registration of Motor Vehicle, Diplomats

Ministry submitting this Service

Tax/Customs Duty Exemptions


Diplomatic Missions, International Organisations, Consular Offices, certain Technical Assistance Organisations and diplomatic agents are relieved from payment of VAT and Customs Duty. The rebate in respect of imported goods and services will apply to the extent provided under the Customs and Excise rebate item 406.00. For local purchases, VAT must be paid, and a refund may be granted in accordance with the requirements of the Value Added Tax Act.


The legal authority for a refund of tax to persons enjoying diplomatic immunity are found in Section 43 of the Value Added Tax Act as amended with the Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act (Cap: 39.01) and Section 14 and Item 406.00 as specified in the Third Schedule of the Value Added Tax Act Section 43(4).


Members of the Diplomatic Corps are required to process their purchases for dutiable items through the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation for them to be afforded tax exemption or to benefit from rebates on certain items.

Who is eligible?

All members of the Diplomatic Corps are by nature of their duties entitled to tax exemption.

How do I get this service?
  • The Ministry (Department of Protocol and Consular Services) shall receive claims for VAT refunds from Diplomatic Missions on a quarterly basis that is, on or before the 15th day of January, July, October and April months in a year.
  • All VAT claims must be made through a Note Verbale accompanied by a tax invoice and proof of payment, and accompanied by the following filled-in forms:
  1. BURS VAT 008_Refund Claim Form
  2. BURS VAT 008_Refund Continuation Sheet
  3. BURS VAT 007_Refund of VAT Form
What supporting documents are required?
  • Note Verbale from the ministry
  • Tax invoice and proof of payment
How long will this service take?

working days.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No charges.

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, International affairs, Botswana Missions Protocol and Consular Services


Tax exemptions, duty free, immunities and privileges, diplomatic community, national tax framework, Customs and duty free, diplomat, immunities and privileges

Ministry submitting this Service

Provision of Exemption Certificates in lieu of Residence Permits


Members of the diplomatic community accredited to the Republic of Botswana shall be issued with an exemption certificate in lieu of a residence permit.

The department shall facilitate issuance of exemption certificates for members of family forming part of the household of the diplomatic agent as follows:

  • ​Exemption Certificates
    Family members that include spouse and children under the age of 18 are issued with exemption certificates. In addition to a Note Verbale, Application for Exemption Certificate copy of passport and two passport sized photographs, the application for an exemption certificate for spouse and children below 18 years of age shall also be accompanied by a copy of a marriage certificate and birth certificate respectively.
  • Residence Permits
    Family members that include children over the age of 18 and less than 25, dependent children over the age of 25 and dependent parents over the age of 65 shall be issued with Residence Permits as follows.  
Who is eligible?

Members of diplomatic community

How do I get this service?
  • Applications are made, through a Note Verbale, to the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation (Department of Protocol and Consular Affairs), which facilitates the processing of an Application for Exemption Certificate.
  • The exemption certificate is issued by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
What supporting documents are required?
  • A Note Verbale accompanied by completed an application form,
  • Copy of passport and two passport sized photographs.
How long will this service take?


Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, International affairs, Botswana Embassy, High Commission, Protocol and Consular Services, District Commissioner's, Protocol Officer, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations


Diplomat exemption certificate, privileges and immunities, diplomatic relations, Exemption certificates, privilege and immunities

Ministry submitting this Service

Diplomatic Identity Card


Provision of Diplomatic Identity Cards (IDs) to the Diplomatic agents and their spouses. Children of the diplomats are not entitled to the Diplomatic IDs.

Who is eligible?

All members of the Diplomatic Corps.

How do I get this service?

New members are required to submit a Note Verbale and a completed Application_Diplomatic ID form to the ministry

What supporting documents are required?
  • Copy of passport and a passport-sized photograph.
  • A marriage certificate is required for an application for a spouse.
How long will this service take?

Two (2) working days

Where can I obtain this service?

Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation
Private Bag 00368 
Government Enclave
Tel. (+267) 3600700
Fax. (+267) 3973067
Email. miacprotocol [at] (miacprotocol[at]gov[dot]bw)

Tel. (+267) 3600744
Fax. (+267) 3974516

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No cost

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, International affairs, Botswana Embassy, High Commission, Protocol and Consular Services, District Commissioner's, Protocol Officer


Diplomatic agents

Ministry submitting this Service
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