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Ministry of Employment, Labour Productivity and Skills Development

Appeal for Work Permit


Those whose applications have been rejected by the Regional Immigration Selection Boards (RISB) may appeal to the Minister of Employment, Labour Productivity and Skills Development within thirty (30) days. 

Who is eligible?

An aggrieved non-citizen by the decisions of RISB

How do I get this service?
  • Appeal through Regional Labour Offices.
  • Receive Files from the Regions.
  • Registration of Appeal according to dates received.
  • Committee Meeting for Recommendation to the Minister.
  • If approved by the Minister, issuance of Work Permit and Collection by applicant.
  • If not approved issuance of rejection letter.
  • Send file to Department of Immigration and Citizenship for preparation of Residence Permit. 
What supporting documents are required?
  • Letter of Appeal to the Minister of Employment, Labour Productivity and Skills Development
  • Copy of Rejection letter
  • Any additional information justifying the appeal
How long will this service take?

14 days

Where can I obtain this service?

Ministry of Employment, Labour Productivity and Skills Development

Head Office, Block 8, Government Enclave, Khama Crescent

Private Bag 516, Gaborone, Botswana

Tell: +(267) 373 2700 / 2600

Fax: + (267) 397 5665


Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

BWP 500.00


Appeal, Work Permit, Regional Immigration Selection Board, Rejected, Residence

Application for Certificate of Exemption


This service is extended to non-citizens that need a certificate for exemption, a person may be exempted from holding a work permit by the Minister by publishing in the Government Gazette for public information.

Who is eligible?
  • Non-Citizens who fall under the category of exempted positions
  • Investors who hold Permanent Residence
  • Investors of worth supported by Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC)
What supporting documents are required?

For exempted positions?

  • Copy of job advert not older than six (6) months old
  • Contract of employment
  • Application letter for work (signed)
  • Letter of offer or appointment letter
  • Applicants’ Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Certified copies of educational certificates. Please note that all certificates in foreign languages must be translated to English and be confirmed by Botswana Qualification Authority
  • Certified copy of a valid passport – biographic data page (picture, passport number, date of birth, birth place, expiry, etc.)
  • Two (2) x Passport-size photos (with a white background)
  • Clearance from relevant professional regulatory bodies
  • Letter from the patient’s doctor (Nurse Aid/Care taker)
  • Supporting letter from relevant Ministries for government projects
  • CV for understudies

Permanent Residence holders

Copy of Permanent Residence certificate

Investors supported by BITC?

  • See requirements for investors
  • Supporting letter from BITC
How long will this service take?

Seven (7) working days

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

BWP 1,500.00

Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Labour inspection , labour laws, improving work conditions , routine inspection, spot check inspection, industrial action inspection


Educating on labour laws, labour laws, checking for compliance with labour laws

Work Permit Application


This service gives a non-citizen permission to work in Botswana for a reward or to invest in Botswana for profit.

Who is eligible?


How do I get this service?
  • Download, complete the Work permit application form and submit with supporting documents to the nearest Labour Office
  • Collection of Work permit after notification if approved
  • Applicant can check after service collection period
What supporting documents are required?
  • Copy of job advert not older than six months old
  • Contract of employment
  • Application letter for work (signed)
  • Letter of offer or appointment letter
  • Applicants’ Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Certified copies of educational certificates. Please note that all certificates in foreign languages must be translated to English and be confirmed by Botswana Qualification Authority
  • Certified copy of a valid passport – biographic data page (picture, passport number, date of birth, birth place, expiry, etc.)
  • 2 x Passport-size photos (with a white background)
  • Clearance from relevant professional regulatory bodies
  • Letter from the patient’s doctor (Nurse Aid/ Care taker)
  • Supporting letter from relevant Ministries for Government projects
  • CV for understudies


Additional requirements unique to certain professions

  • Extra Heavy Duty Driver - Copy of Botswana Driver’s License or copy of classifications from the Department of Transport, Motor Vehicle Registration Book for vehicles and trailers, B A permits for trucks, P A permits for public transport and list of vehicles and transport permit numbers
  • Farm Worker - Farm Certificate/Title deed/ Lease Agreement, Brand Certificate and proof of livestock ownership, Employer’s copy of certified National Identity Card (Omang)
  • Seasonal Agricultural Worker for a period not exceeding 6 months - Farm Certificate/Title deed/ Lease Agreement, Brand Certificate and proof of livestock ownership, Employer’s copy of certified National Identity Card.

Professional or regulatory bodies (attach as annexure)

  • Medical Field - permission from the Botswana Nursing Council, the Midwifery Council of Botswana, Botswana Health Profession Council or the Ministry of Health
  • Teaching Field - permission to teach from the Ministry of Education, qualification evaluation from the Botswana Qualification Authority (BQA)
  • Accountants - clearance from the Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA)
  • Footballer - clearance from the Botswana Football Association or Premier League
  • Pilot - clearance from the Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana
  • Engineers - Membership from Engineers Registration Board


  • Proof of investment by provision of Bank Statement
  • Lease agreement/ proof of place of operation
  • Company registration documents
  • List of employees and their identifications, National identity card (Omang) for Citizens and certified copies of Work and Residence permits for Non- Citizens
  • List of valued assets (attach certified copies of registration books for vehicles)
  • Copy of certified valid Trade licence 
  • Certified copies of valid passport, biographic data page (picture, passport number, date of birth, birthplace, expiry, etc.)
  • Company profile
  • Current bank statement certified by the bank
  • 2 x Passport-size photos (with a white background)
How long will this service take?

Fourteen (14) working days

In case of renewal of work permit for employee and investor

  • Above requirements for work permit apply
  • Letter of renewal of contract
  • Copies of both work and residence permits

NB: Application for Renewal is to be submitted six (6) months before expiry of work permit

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?
  • Work Permit fee - BWP 1,500.00
  • Work Permit renewal fee - BWP 1,500.00
  • Work Permit Replacement/ Duplicate fee - BWP 1,500.00
  • Late renewal submission fee - BWP 500.00 + BWP 20.00 each day after expiry of permits
Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Labour inspection , labour laws, improving work conditions , routine inspection, spot check inspection, industrial ac


Educating on labour laws, labour laws, checking for compliance with labour laws

Registration of Employers’ Organisation


Section 6(1) of the Trade Unions and Employers' Organizations Act, explains that every Employer's Organisation formed in Botswana, shall within twenty-eight (28) days immediately after its formation, apply to the Registrar of Trade Unions and Employers Organizations for registration.

Who is eligible?

Citizen and non-citizen companies registered in Botswana

How do I get this service?

Download, complete the Registration of employers’ organisation form and submit with supporting documents to office of the Registrar of Trade Unions and Employers Organizations.

What supporting documents are required?
  • Three original copies of the Employers' Organisation Constitution
  • A copy of resolution of formation
  • A list of full names of all members of the Employers' Organisation
  • A list of full names of executive officers
  • A written statement detailing the following:
    • Name of the Employers' Organisation
    • Postal address and location of its office
    • Date of its formation
    • Titles, full names, ages, occupations, and postal and residential addresses of the officers who signed the application
  • Minutes of resolution to form a Employers' Organisation
How long will this service take?

Sixty (60) working days

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?
  • BWP10.00 fee for registration
  • BWP1.00 per word for constitution amendment
  • BWP1.00 change of officers
Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Trade union and employer’s organization registration, trade union, employer’s organization, constitution of trade unions, constitution amendment, officer changes


Forming a trade union, registering a trade union, registering an employer’s organization, forming an employer’s organization, protecting the rights of employees, formation of trade union.

Registration of Federation of Trade Unions


Section 6 (1) of the Trade and Employers' Organization Act, explains that every Federation of Trade Unions formed in Botswana, shall within twenty-eight (28) days immediately after its formation, apply to the Registrar of Trade Unions and Employers Organization for registration as a trade union.

Who is eligible?

Registered Trade Unions

How do I get this service?

Download, complete the Registration of Federation of Trade Unions form and submit with supporting documents to the office of the Registrar of Trade Unions and Employers Organizations.

What supporting documents are required?
  • Three original copies of the Federation’s constitution
  • A copy of resolution of formation
  •  A list of full names of all members of the Federation’s
  •  A list of full names of executive officers
  •  A written statement detailing the following:
  • Name of the Federation
  • Postal address and location of its office
  • Date of its formation
  • Titles, full names, ages, occupations, and postal and residential addresses of the officers who signed the application
  • Minutes of resolution to form a Federation
How long will this service take?

Sixty (60) working days

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?
  • BWP 10.00 fee for registration
  • BWP 1.00 per word for constitution amendment
  • BWP 1.00 change of officers
Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Labour inspection , labour laws, improving work conditions , routine inspection, spot check inspection, industrial action inspection


Educating on labour laws, labour laws, checking for compliance with labour laws

Trade Unions Registration


Trade Union and Employers Organisations Act: Section 6 (1), explains that every Trade Union formed in Botswana, shall within twenty-eight (28) days immediately after its formation, apply to the Registrar of Trade Unions and Employers Organisations for registration.

Who is eligible?


How do I get this service?

Download, complete the Trade unions registration form and submit with supporting documents to the office of the Registrar of Trade Unions and Employers Organisations

What supporting documents are required?
  • Three original copies of the Trade Union’s constitution
  • A copy of resolution of formation
  • A list of full names of all members of the Trade Union
  • A list of full names of executive officers
  • A written statement detailing the following:     1. Name of the Trade Union.   2.Postal address and location of its office.    3.Date of its formation.    4.Titles, full names, ages, occupations, and postal and residential addresses of the officers who signed the application.    5.Minutes of resolution to form union.
How long will this service take?

Sixty (60) working days

Where can I obtain this service?

Head Office

Department of Labour and Social Security

Block 8, Government Enclave


Theme for this service
How much does it cost?
  • BWP10.00 fee for registration
  • BWP1.00 per word for constitution amendment
  • BWP1.00 change of officers
Meta tags

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana


Labour inspection , labour laws, improving work conditions , routine inspection, spot check inspection, industrial action inspection


Educating on labour laws, labour laws, checking for compliance with labour laws

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