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Office of the Ombudsman

Provision of Redress Against Administrative Decisions of Public Functionaries


Members of the public who are dissatisfied with the administrative action or decision taken against them by officers at government ministries, and agencies are encouraged to let their voices be heard. This is done by lodging formal written complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman. 

Please note that, the Ombudsman may decline addressing a complaint if (s)he finds the complaint is without reasonable cause or has been delayed for more than 12 months.

Who is eligible?

Any member of the public, including those in legal custody and those admitted to psychiatric hospitals, can lodge complaints with the Ombudsman.

How do I get this service?

Before lodging a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman, a person should ideally go through the following steps, before moving to the next if dissatisfied.  

  1. Raise verbal complaint with the official(s) involved.
  2. Lodge official written complaint to the head of the applicable department.
  3. Write complaint letter to the Director or Chief Executive.
  4. Write complaint letter to the Permanent Secretary or any other officers responsible for the organization.

If still dissatisfied, a complainant can write an official letter of complaint to the Ombudsman, providing all the details of the matter, including the date and time of the occurrence, parties involved, complainant’s contact details inclusive of postal address, and steps taken since occurrence.  

Alternatively, the complainant may use the complaint form.  The letter or complainant form must be attached to copies of any relevant supporting documents which may be delivered in person at or faxed to the offices listed below, or emailed to ombudsman [at]    

What supporting documents are required?

Complainant would need:

  • Complaint Form
  • Copies of all relevant written communication pieces between the complainant and the government organisation
How long will this service take?

Plus, or less than 5 months depending on the complexity of the matter.

Where can I obtain this service?


Main Mall

Lot 21 Corner of Khama Crescent & Queens Road



1st Floor

New BBS House

Plot no. 13980



New Mall

Plot 514, Mathiba Road



Tsabong CBD

Plot 37134, Kwesi Street,

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

This service is provided to the public free of charge.

Meta tags

Government of Botswana, Botswana, Republic of Botswana, Botswana Government, office of the ombudsman


Making, complaints, about, government, services, complaint, complaining, lodging, dissatisfied, dissatisfaction, complaint letter, letter of complaint, administrative action, ombudsman, complaint form, complainant


Maladministration, Injustice

Ministry submitting this Service
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