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Ministry of Lands and Water Affairs

Registration of a Mortgage Bond


The holder of a title deed to a property may register a mortgage bond over the property as security for a debt. Registration is done through the assistance of Conveyancers.

Who is eligible?

Any registered holder of a title deed over a property ​​may register  a registration of a mortgage bond.

How do I get this service?

Through the assistance of a Conveyancer (an attorney admitted as a conveyancer by courts of law).

What supporting documents are required?
  • Draft of the mortgage bond in duplicate 
  • Floating Copy of the title deed to the property
  • Power of Attorney authorizing a particular conveyancer to draft the Mortgage Bond
  • A resolution of the lending Institution where necessary
  • Copy of the title deed to the property
How long will this service take?

If all documents are submitted at the time of registration, the process should take approximately five(5) working days.

Where can I obtain this service?

For more information please contact the two deeds offices available below. Opening hours are from 07:30 to 12:45 and 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.​​​​

For properties south of Dibete, including the districts of Ghanzi and Kgalagadi:
Deeds Registry Gaborone
Government Enclave
Attorney General's Chamber
Ground and First Floor
Private Bag 0020

For properties north of and in Dibete (Dibete included):
Deeds Registry Francistown
plot 252/2567, Old BGI Building
Private Bag F283

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

Conveyancer’s fees or other costs may apply

Ministry submitting this Service

Registration of Leases


A lessee in a lease agreement of a property may register the lease at the Deeds office. A lessee is a person (natural person or juristic person) in whose favour the lease is made. i.e. who is given rights to use the property by the owner of the property

Who is eligible?

Any natural or juristic person given the right to use the property by the owner may register the lease.

How do I get this service?

Submit the relevant items listed below to the deeds office in person.

What supporting documents are required?

For both individuals and juristic persons, the following documents must be submitted to the deeds office:

  • Two copies of the lease agreement.  The  lease agreements are obtained from Land boards
  • Two copies of a sketched plan of the property
  • Two diagrams of the property under lease which have been approved by the Director of Surveys and Mapping
  • Two A3 size manila folders in which to place all relevant documents

For individuals, the following additional documents are required:

  • If the party registering the lease is a citizen:
    • Valid National identification card (Omang)
  • If the party registering the lease is a non-citizen:
    • Valid Identification (e.g. passport)
    • Ministers Consent
  • An affidavit of  birth
  • A filled Annexure A form (provided with a copy of the lease agreement from the Land Board)

For juristic persons (e.g. corporations), the following additional documents are required:

  • Certificate of shareholding of the individuals who own the corporation
  • Resolution of the corporation authorizing the registration of lease and  appointing a representative to act on behalf of the company
  • Valid National Identification cards (Omang) for all shareholders
  • Affidavit attesting to shareholding of the individuals who own the corporation
  • Certificate of incorporation and an extract of the Memorandum and Article of Association company
How long will this service take?

If all documents are submitted at the time of registration, the process should take about one working day.

Where can I obtain this service?

For more information please contact the two deeds offices available below. Opening hours are from 07:30 to 12:45 and 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.​​

For properties south of Dibete, including the districts of Ghanzi and Kgalagadi: 
Deeds Registry Gaborone
Government Enclave
Attorney General's Chamber
Ground and First Floor 
Private Bag 0020

For properties north of and in Dibete (Dibete included):
Deeds Registry Francistown
Plot 252 Light Industrial (Old BGI Building)
Private Bag F283

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

There are no fees associated with this service.

Ministry submitting this Service

Maps and Geospatial Data


Maps such as topographic line mapping, thematic and orthophoto maps at varying scales as well as geospatial data such as geographic coordinates, geographic data layers, aerial photographs, digital elevation models, and remote sensing data at varying spatial and temporal resolutions can be obtained from the Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services Department of Surveys and Mapping in hard copy and digital formats.

Who is eligible?

All individuals and organisations such as general public, government, non-governmental organisations, private sectors and academia are eligible to qualify for this service.

How do I get this service?

For standard maps, visit the Department of Surveys and Mapping offices.

Special maps and map extracts of geospatial data requests can be placed by:

  • Visiting the department of Surveys and Mapping in person and explaining the request.
  •  Sending in a written request by email
  •  Sending in a written request by post
  •  Fax a request to a Department of Surveys and Mapping Office

Upon receipt of the request, the Department prepares a quotation and send it either by post or email or fax, or drop box or file transfer protocol etc.

Completed orders upon payment either electronically or by cash or government voucher can be picked up at the Department of Surveys and Mapping offices or sent by post, or email or drop box or file transfer protocol to the customer .

  • Payment from customers  outside the country can be made via electronic funds transfer.  The proof of payment must be verified independently from the Ministry of Finance to the Department before your data can be sent to you.
What supporting documents are required?

All online transfers such as file transfer protocol or drop box addresses should be provided.

How long will this service take?

Standard map series maps and data layers from database can be provided to customers within one working day.  User defined or custom maps and data requests can be fulfilled within ten (10) working days.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

Fees vary by product. See the Maps and Data Surveys - Maps and Data Price Pricelist for more information.

Ministry submitting this Service

Land Survey Records Approval


Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services is responsible for approving land survey records produced by registered land surveyors to form part of the required supporting documentation for registering land leases and Title Deeds. Survey records include ,but are not limited, to survey diagrams and general plans. To receive approval, these records must be submitted to the Department of Surveys and Mapping (DSM).

Who is eligible?

Only Registered Land Surveyors under Section 6 of the Land Survey Act may submit land survey records for quality approval by the Department of Surveys and Mapping.

How do I get this service?
  • Submit the survey records to be approved along with all supporting documentation and the prescribed fee to the office of the Department of Surveys and Mapping located in Gaborone or Francistown 
  • The DSM officer will issue a survey record number to the record
  • Survey records will go through the process of examination and approval
  • Once approved or rejected, the Surveyor will be notified to come collect it or it can be sent by mail
What supporting documents are required?
  • Survey field book.
  • Copies of diagrams and general plans.
  • Plot lease document.
  • Working plan
  • Consistency data and Coordinate List
  • Planning permission in case of subdivisions and consolidations
  • Approved layout plans for General Plans
How long will this service take?

After all documentation has been submitted to the office of Surveys and Mapping, it is expected that diagrams for single plots will be processed within four working days, while General Plans will be processed within 30 working days.

Where can I obtain this service?

For more information, contact one of the office listed below during their business hours. Opening hours are from 07:30 to 12:45 and 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays. 

Please note that land survey records can only be submitted to the offices in Gaborone or Francistown.


Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services

Department of Surveys and Mapping

P/Bag 0037

Plot 1285 Station Road 



Phone: (+267) 3623200 

Fax: (+267) 3952704 

Email: msmadibela [at]


Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services

Department of Surveys and Mapping

P.O Box 697 

Plot 252 Francistown 

Old BGI Complex 



Phone: (+267) 2412261 

Email: omolobeng [at]

Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services

Department of Surveys and Mapping

P. O. Box 24 

Plot 2719 Selibe Phikwe Industrial

Selebi Phikwe


Tel: (+267) 2610438

Fax: (+267) 2614245

Email: mleinane [at]


Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services

Department of Surveys and Mapping

P. O Box 74 

Airport Road



Phone: (+267) 6860272

Fax: (+267) 6860993

Email: imauano [at]

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

There is a fee of BWP50.00 per plot for single plot surveys, BWP100.00 per sheet for layout plans and BWP5.00 per plot therein payable by cash, cheque or adjustment voucher at the offices listed below

Ministry submitting this Service

Laboratory Services (Water Analysis)


Analysis of water samples provides the customer with knowledge of the chemistry and microbiology of their water. The water sample can be obtained from a borehole, well, water tank, dam, tap, or any other water source. This service is provided to anyone who wants to know the condition of the water they obtain.

In addition, customers can be provided with advice on national water standards based on the preference of the customer: Examples:

  • BOS 32 (Drinking water-Specification)
  • BOS143 (Bottled water other than natural water-Specification)
  • BOS262 (Bottled natural water-Specification)
  • BOS463 (Water Quality for irrigation-Specification)
  • BOS365 (Drinking water for livestock and poultry-Specification)
  • BOS93 (Wastewater-Physical, microbiological and chemical requirements-Specification)


Who is eligible?

All citizens, non-citizens, and businesses can access this service.

How do I get this service?
  • Customer must go to the Department of Water and Sanitation Office and indicate that they want to get their water tested.
  • Customer will complete Request Form​.
  • Customer will be provided with sample collection bottles and instructions on how to collect the water sample.
  • Customer submits samples to the laboratory.
  • Customer pays for the analysis and is given a receipt.
  • Results will be sent to the customer through e-mail, post, or they can be collected from the laboratory by the customer.
What supporting documents are required?

There are no supporting documents required.

How long will this service take?

Microbiology analysis is completed within five(5) working days and chemistry analysis is completed within ten(10) working days.

Where can I obtain this service?

For more information, please contact any of the offices below, 07:30 to 12:45 and 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.​

Department of Water and Sanitation  (Headquarters)

Water Quality Laboratory, Old Lobatse Road
Plot 25019
Private Bag 0029
Tel. (+267) 3607100
Fax. (+267) 3903508

Maun Department of Water and Sanitation,

Water Quality Laboratory
Along Sir Seretse Khama Rd
Private Bag 002
Tel. (+267) 6860452
Fax. (+267) 6860372     

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

Item Service

Amount (BWP)

  • Chemistry Full Pack

pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Alkalinity, Bicarbonates, carbonates, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrite, nitrate, sulphate, o-phosphate,  Turbidity



  • Microbiology Full Pack

Faecal coliform, E.coli, Total coliform, Intestinal enterococcus




  • Chemical Analysis of Waste Water-Full Pack

Total Suspended Solids, Dissolved oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand.



  • Individual Analyte (drinking water)



  • Individual Analyte (Microbiology)


  • Individual Analyte (Wastewater)


Ministry submitting this Service

Certified Copy of a Title Deed


Registered owners or holders of a title deed to a property may request a replacement of the floating copy of the Title Deed.

Who is eligible?

Any registered owners of a title deed to a parcel of land may apply for a replacement certified copy of the Title Deed. 

How do I get this service?
  • Registered land owners must place the following minimum number of advertisements:
    • One(1) advertisement in the Botswana Government Gazette
    • One(1) advertisement a week for two consecutive weeks (i.e. one advertisement in each week) in the newspaper which circulates in the same area as the parcel of land in question
    •  Templates of the advertisements required are available at the office of the Registrar of Deeds.
  • At least three(3) weeks after the last of the advertisements above have been published, the registered owner or holder must submit the following documents to the office of the Registrar of Deeds in person or by conveyancer (a conveyancer is an attorney who has been admitted as such by the High Court of Botswana).  These forms are also available at the office of the Registrar of Deeds;
    • Application for a certified copy of a lost Title Deed (Request Form). ("A")
    • Affidavit in terms of Regulation 46(1) ("B")
What supporting documents are required?

The following documents are required; 

  • Copies of advertisements in local papers (2 separates adverts) and the Botswana Government Gazette
  • An Affidavit in terms of Regulation 46(1) ("B") (available at the deeds offices) in which the registered owner identifies themselves as the individual to whom the title deed belongs. It is in this affidavit that:
    • The applicant must describe the deed
    • State that the deed has not been pledged or detained by anyone as security
    • That it has actually been lost or destroyed
    • That should the deed (floating copy) be found, it shall be surrendered to the Registrar of Deeds
  • Application for a certified copy of a lost Title Deed (Request Form) ("A"), available at the deeds offices
How long will this service take?

When registered owners come to Deeds Office in person they are assisted that same day. If they send their request through conveyancers the process will take five(5) working days.

Where can I obtain this service?

For properties South of Dibete, including the districts of Ghanzi and Kgalagadi:

Deeds Registry Gaborone
Government Enclave
Attorney General's Chamber
Ground and First Floor
Private Bag 0020

For properties North of Dibete (Dibete included):

Deeds Registry Francistown
Plot 252/2567, Old BGI Building
Private Bag F283

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

Copies made at BWP1.00 per page.

Ministry submitting this Service
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