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Business Registration

Registration of a Co-operative Society


A Co-operative Society is an autonomous association of persons who voluntarily come together to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise.

Who is eligible?
  • Group of ten (10) people or more, aged eighteen (18) years and above, for all other types.
  • Group of twenty (20) people or more, aged eighteen (18) and above, for Financial co-operatives.
How do I get this service?

Visit the Co-operatives office in your locality and submit an application for registration made to the Director on the application form for co-op which shall be signed by all members.

  • If satisfied that the society has met all the requirements and approves registration, the Director shall issue a certificate of registration to the society together with a certified copy of the bye-laws. 
  • If the Director refuses to register a society, he/she shall give reasons for the refusal in writing to the applicants. 
  • If not happy with the decision of the director, lodge an appeal with the Minister within one (1) month. The Minister’s decision on the appeal shall be final.
What supporting documents are required?
  • 3 copies of bye-laws [i.e. rules set by the members in order to guide in carrying out the day to day activities of a Co-operative Society, formulated prior to registration and must be in line with the Co-operative Act] written in English
  • A report on the viability of the proposed Co-operative which shall be in the prescribed form
How long will this service take?

Fourteen (14) working days.

Where can I obtain this service?

Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry 

Department for Co-operative Development 

Head Office and Regional Offices

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

BWP 20.00

Meta tags

Government of Botswana, Botswana, Republic of Botswana, Botswana Government


Department for and Co-operative, Voluntary, Autonomous, Jointly Owned, Democratically Controlled, Co-operation, Economic Need, Principles of Co-operatives


Partnerships and clusters behavior

Ministry submitting this Service

Issuance of Export Permit for Scrap Metal


To improve accessibility of the scrap metal by local metal foundries/processors before it is exported as a way to facilitate domestic production. Scrap metal dealers are required to apply for export permit should the need to export the scrap metal arise.

Who is eligible?

Domestic registered scrap metal businesses.

How do I get this service?
  • Download and submit Registration Form to apply to be registered scrap metal exporter at the Department of Industrial Affairs (DIA) with the supporting documents outlined below
  • Download and submit Application for Export Permit-scrap at the Department of Industrial Affairs.
  • Please note that one application is for one permit, and that the permit issued would be per one truck load or one container.
  • The permit is processed by DIA as follows:
  1. DIA consult whether foundries require the scrap
  2. (If yes permit application rejected)
  3. Preparation of the permit by the processing officer
  4. Authorization of the permit by a senior officer
  5. (Non) Issuance of the permit to the applicant depends on results of processing by ministry
  • Return permit is then returned to DIA (with SAD 500 attached).

Please note that step 1 (registration is only done once), and then subsequently the applicant continues from step 2 (application for the permit).

What supporting documents are required?
  • Copy of Salvage yards license (obtained from Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control)
  • BURS Tax Clearance certificate
  • National Identity Card (Omang) /Passport of Managing Director
  • Copies of Registration of Incorporation or Business Registration Certificate
  • Copies of Shareholding certificates
  • SAD 500
How long will this service take?

Ten (10) working days.

Theme for this service
How much does it cost?

No Cost.

Meta tags

Government of Botswana, Botswana, Republic of Botswana, Botswana Government, Ministry of Investment Trade and Industry


Scrap metal Export Permit, Name of Exporter, Quantities to be exported, Destination, Type of scrap to be exported


Business name, Amount of scrap, Place of export, Authorisation to export

Ministry submitting this Service
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