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Ministry for State President

Areas of Responsibility
  • Coordination of the National Transformational Strategy
  • Coordination of Implementation of Government projects and programmes.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Government projects and programmes.
  • Coordination of Botswana Honours & Awards and National Emblems.
  • Secretarial services to Cabinet and monitoring implementation of Cabinet decisions.
  • Administrative and technical support services to the Presidency.
  • Management and dissemination of information through broadcast, Print media and Ministry social media platforms
  • National Strategic emergency coordination
  • National disability coordination
Departments/Sections of the Ministry
  • Botswana Government Communications and Information System (BGCIS)
  • Coordinating Office for People with Disabilities
  • National Disaster Management Office
  • Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime
  • Department of Broadcasting Services
  • Department of Information Services
  • Government Printing and Publishing Services
  • District Administration

Independent Departments

  • National Assembly
  • Directorate  of Intelligence  and Security Services(DISS)
  • Directorate of Public Service  Management (DPSM)
  • Directorate  on Corruption and Economic Crime
  • National Planning Commission (NPC)
  • Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)
  • Ethics and Integrity
  • Auditor General
  • National AIDS and Health Promotion Agency (NAHPA)

Boards and Commissions

  • National Broadcasting Board
  • Information  and Data Protection
Departments/Sections and Key Functions

Botswana Government Communications and Information System (BGCIS)

  • To ensure that Government is visible and accessible.
  • To provide the public with accurate, timely, clear and relevant information about Government policies, programmes, services and initiatives.
  • To use a variety of new and traditional methods to communicate, and to provide information in multiple formats that meets the needs of all citizens.
  • To routinely identify and address communication needs and issues in the development , implementation and evaluation of Government policies, programmes, services and initiatives.
  • To foster an approach of cooperation and collaboration between and amongst Government Ministries and Departments.

Disability Coordination Office

  • Implement the Disability  Act
  • Prepare and publish appropriate guidelines for avoidance of discrimination on the ground of disability
  • Promote recognition and implementation of legislation on the rights of persons with disabilities;
  • Guide and support the Government and sectorial Ministries’       interventions as they relate to, or impact on, persons with    disabilities;
  • Undertake research, educational programs and other programs        to promote the objects of this Act;
  • Conduct awareness programmes for the recognition, acceptance and equality of persons with disabilities

Directorate of Public Service Management(DPSM)

Following decentralization of some Human Resource functions to Ministries/Departments, the Directorate of Public Service Management remained with the responsibility to formulate human resource policy, guide implementation of policies, monitor and evaluate policies and oversee the following matters:

  • Administration of terms and conditions of service
  • Public service establishment;
  • Human resource audits;
  • Staff performance appraisals and service level agreements;
  • Salary administration and grading of jobs;
  • Public service training policy;
  • Discipline, staff training;
  • Wellness and safety;
  • Localization and staff development programmes;
  • Process enhancement and organization and methods;
  • The approval of employees career paths;
  • Human resource information system management;
  • Job evaluation;
  • Human resource reforms management;
  • Vacancy management;
  • Determination of public service competencies;
  • Coordination of collective bargaining
  • Leadership Development
  • Management of the Executive Cadre
  • Corporate Services

National Disaster Management Office

  • To prepare and update the National disaster risk management plans and guidelines.
  • To formulate standard operating procedures for emergency response and management.
  • To provide early warning of an approaching disaster and predictions of its possible effects on the country, the population and their livelihoods.
  • To maintain a comprehensive Disaster Management Information system.
  • To hold in readiness a series of preparedness or contingency plans, for specific hazards such as floods, wildland fires.
  • To maintain strategic reserves of essential commodities and equipment at national and district levels.
  • To maintain an up to date inventory of all available resources, institutional facilities and equipment that can be called upon to respond to disasters.
  • To formulate and implement, in partnership with training and academic institutions programmes in disaster management education, training and public awareness.

Department of Broadcasting Services

  • Mission
    • We broadcast government and public information to every citizen through informative and entertaining radio and television programmes.
  • Vision
    • Excellence in quality radio and television broadcast
  • Functions of the Department
    • The Department of Broadcasting services is  responsible for information dissemination  and  interpretation of government policies to the public. The department is committed to providing a wide range of programmes and services that inform, educate, entertain as well as support , develop culture and informal education.
    • To provide news, current affairs, information and entertainment through Radio Botswana (RB 1, RB2 and Botswana Television (BTV). The primary responsibility of the department is to coordinate sustained dissemination of information on Botswana’s political, social and economic development through production of news

Department of Information Services

  • Mandate
    • The primary responsibility of the department is to coordinate sustained dissemination of information on Botswana’s political, social and economic development through production of news, feature articles, quality publications being the DailyNews paper, DailyNews online and Kutlwano Magazine and adhvoc publications. The department is responsible for developing policies, editorial guidelines and service standards for state print media and monitoring of quality standards in news reporting.

Government Printing and Publishing Services

  • Provides printing services to all government ministries and departments.
  • Provides Stationery Services – by producing standard documents such as patient cards, application for leave forms, file covers and standard forms used across Government Departments.
  • Supports dissemination of Government information through distribution of the Government Gazette which contains messages of legal, administrative and general nature.
  • Facilitate the Attorney General and National Assembly in the process of making laws. Also responsible for publishing of these laws and their distribution through our outlets around the country.

District Administration

  • District development planning, coordination and administration of Central Government projects/ programmes.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of policies, statutes and guidelines.
  • Mediation between married couples

Ministry Parastatals

Ministry Contact Details

Ministry for State President

Private Bag 001

Government Enclave, State House Drive



Tel. (+267) 3950800

Fax. (+267) 3911786

Email. op-pr-office [at]