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Ministry of Trade and Industry

Areas of Responsibility

To create a conducive environment for the promotion of Investment and development of Sustainable Industries and Trade, with a view to diversifying and growing the economy, creating wealth and employment, so that there is prosperity for all.

In line with this Mandate, the Ministry has to achieve the following high-level deliverables:

  • Creation of Sustainable Industries and Trade;
  • Economic Diversification: Export development, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); and Expansions and Domestic Investment.
  • Wealth and Employment Creation;
  • Citizen Economic Empowerment;
  • Entrepreneurship Development;
  • Poverty Eradication; and
  • Facilitating Investment through ease of doing business
Departments/Sections of the Ministry
  • Department of Trade and Consumer Affairs (DTCA).
  • Department of Industrial Affairs (DIA)
  • Department for Co-operatives Development (DCD).
  • Department of International Trade  (DIT).
  • Economic Diversification Drive Unit (EDDU)
  • Doing Business and Investment Unit
  • Research Statistics and Policy Development Unit
Departments/Sections and Key Functions

Department of Trade and Consumer Affairs  (DTCA)

Promotes the growth and development of internal trade, fair business practices and consumer protection and welfare through formulation of Policies and Legislation


Department of Industrial Affairs (DIA)

The department is responsible for facilitating industrial development in the country. It carries out its mandate through formulation, implementation and review of policies and programmes aimed at:

  • Economic diversification,
  • Employment creation,
  • Support for local industries and
  • Stimulation of local entrepreneurship


Department for Co-operatives Development (DCD)

The department is responsible for:

  • To encourage the formation of co-operative societies by providing information on co-operative principles and practice and by facilitating registration;
  • Register co-operative societies and ensure their compliance with the Act;
  • To assist in the organization and efficient operation of co-operative societies;


Department of International Trade (DIT)

The Department is responsible for trade policy formulation and its implementation, import control, trade negotiations as well as implementation of international trade agreements.

 Key Functions are:

  • Trade negotiations
  • Monitoring implementation of agreements
  • Imports control
  • Exemption of tariffs/import duties


Economic Diversification Drive Unit (EDDU)

To coordinate all efforts aimed at diversifying the country’s sources of economic growth and income in such a way that the country becomes more or less equally dependent on all sectors of the economy through the implementation of the EDD Short-term Strategy and the EDD Medium to Long-term Strategy.


EDD Short-term Strategy- is based on the use of Government interventions such as local procurement, the use of preference margins and citizen economic empowerment strategies to promote local production and consumption.


EDD Medium to Long-term Strategy- envisages diversification of the economy through the development of globally competitive enterprises that need little or no Government protection and support. Its major aim is to diversify the economy into sectors that will continue to grow long after minerals have run out. The Strategy envisages achievement of economic diversification through implementation of the EDD Thematic Areas which are:

  • Sectoral Development and Business Linkages;
  • Export Development and Promotion;
  • Investment and Finance;
  • Quality Control, Standards and Production;
  • Technology Development, Innovation and Transfer;
  • Research and Development; and
  • Entrepreneurship Development


Doing Business and Investment Unit

The Doing Business Unit is responsible for the coordination of all efforts aimed at improving ease of doing business and competitive environment in Botswana. The unit also ensures that the regulatory framework is supportive and conducive to investment, trade and industrialisation


Research Statistics and Policy Development Unit

Core Functions:

Conduct research and policy analysis as well as develop economic policies and strategies for the Ministry 

This is a main activity of the Unit.

  • It entails setting, in collaboration with Departments and Parastatals, the policy direction of the Ministry and coordination of trade, industry and investment, SMMEs and entrepreneurship Ministry’s policy development, implementation and Monitoring & Evaluation.
  • In addition, this entails leading the development of research studies commissioned by the Ministry and Development Partners.

Preparation and publication of Ministry Quarterly Policy Brief:

  • The briefs aim at providing economic and business intelligence through the review of developments in the world economy, with more emphasis on regional economic development and developments in emerging market economies.

Preparation and publication of Ministry Quarterly Policy Brief:

  • The briefs aim at providing economic and business intelligence through the review of developments in the world economy, with more emphasis on regional economic development and developments in emerging market economies.

Set up and operate the Resource Centre:

  • The Resource Centre is a central element of the Research and Policy Development Unit.
  • As a result the establishment and operation of the centre has be prioritised this FY.
  • To engage with HRM on funding and modalities for the recruitment of a Knowledge Management Expert/Librarian; and
  • alternative sources of funding in setting up the Centre continue to be explored.

Other equally important functions are:

  • Review Cabinet Memorandums and Policy Papers on relevant Ministry Policy Issues
  • Dissemination of research results to the business community and the general public;
  • Creating and maintaining links with the Ministry Departments/ Parastatals;
  • Collaboration with other partners - including domestic and regional think tanks; development partners, international research funders and high-performing multilateral and global research institutions and the private sector.

Ministry Parastatals

  • Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS).
  • Local Enterprise Authority (LEA).
  • Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC).
  • Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA).
  • Competition and Consumer Authority (CCA).
  • Special Economic Zones Authority (SEZA)
  • Botswana Development Corporation (BDC)
  • Botswana Trade Commission (BOTC)
  • Gambling Authority (GA)
  • Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA)
Ministry Contact Details

Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry
Private Bag 004
Plot 54380, Central Business District
Tel. (+267) 3601200
Fax. (+267) 3971539
Email. mitipru [at]